I'm searching for:

KiBiZ Childminders

Individual and personal


In KiBiZ daycare families, children from the age of 3 months up to the end of primary school are cared for in a loving family environment. They experience lively interaction with other children as well as a sense of security and reliability from the childminder.

Our parents appreciate the many advantages of this arrangement. Specifically, having their child cared for in proximity to their home or workplace, a KiBiZ childminder is a convenient and flexible solution for many families, also allowing siblings to stay together. Childcare can be arranged for daily or hourly care (at least 5 hours/week), during certain days of the week or outside of kindergarten and school hours.

Irregular childcare times, care into the evening or even at weekends are also possible upon request and availability. Many children stay with the same childminder for many years, building a close, familiar relationship.

KiBiZ childminders open their homes for their day-care children. They enjoy working with children and treat them with understanding, patience and tolerance. KiBiZ childminders are carefully selected and prepared for their demanding job. All childminders attend the basic course for childminders and undertake further courses regularly

Holiday Contract with KiBiZ Childminders

Providing care for school-aged children during school holidays and teacher training days is often challenging for parents. Children may be irregularly cared for in a childminder’s family during individually agreed days as part of a hay holiday contract. In principle, the offer is aimed at children who already have a regular care relationship with a KiBiZ childminder. However, we are also opening the offer to children who have not been cared for in by a childminder.

From a pedagogical point of view, it is important to mention that it can be very challenging for children to engage in such a care relationship, as there is no bond with the childminder yet and the care only takes place during the holidays. Condition for a holiday contract: at least 50 hours of care must be paid for per calendar year, pro-rata is not possible.

In your neighbourhood

KiBiZ day-care Zug manages the childminder option as day-care on behalf of the Zug municipalities. The KiBiZ childminders are located throughout the various municipalities of the canton Zug. Near the home or work place, a KiBiZ childminder is a convenient and flexible solution for extra-familial day-care needs for your child.


Care in a KiBiZ childminder family is managed by our three experienced intermediaries. They are responsible for one or more municipalities and coordinate and assist with the caregiver relationship.

Doris Zürcher

Intermediary for childminders in Cham, Hünenberg, Risch, Walchwil, Zug

Antoinette Ritzmann

Intermediary for childminders in Menzingen, Neuheim, Oberägeri, Steinhausen

Sandra Gemsch

Intermediary for childminders in Baar

Vacant places

Information about available places in your childminder families can be found here.

Become a Childminder

Bild der KiBiZ

A second home for children

As a childminder, you have a great interest to support children in their learning and growth. You have a spacious in-home environment and plenty of time to assist a small group of kids in their needs. You live in a child-friendly neighbourhood where children can experiment and play comfortably inside as well as outside the house. Experience in nurturing and building upon inquisitiveness and creating momentum for learning is important. Additionally, you are passionate about guiding children on their learning path that makes a difference for a lifetime. You are committed to fostering a child's individual developmental needs. Childminders' personal key elements are openness, empathy, and a willingness to accommodate the child's emotional, physical, and mental needs.