In KiBiZ daycare families, children from the age of 3 months up to the end of primary school are cared for in a loving family environment. They experience lively interaction with other children as well as a sense of security and reliability from the childminder.
Our parents appreciate the many advantages of this arrangement. Specifically, having their child cared for in proximity to their home or workplace, a KiBiZ childminder is a convenient and flexible solution for many families, also allowing siblings to stay together. Childcare can be arranged for daily or hourly care (at least 5 hours/week), during certain days of the week or outside of kindergarten and school hours.
Irregular childcare times, care into the evening or even at weekends are also possible upon request and availability. Many children stay with the same childminder for many years, building a close, familiar relationship.
KiBiZ childminders open their homes for their day-care children. They enjoy working with children and treat them with understanding, patience and tolerance. KiBiZ childminders are carefully selected and prepared for their demanding job. All childminders attend the basic course for childminders and undertake further courses regularly