Our centers are accredited with a quality label because we believe so strongly in the process and its purpose which is to ensure your child receives the very best education and care in its early years that we know are so crucial to development. When your child is enrolled at our accredited KiBiZ day-care centres, you will notice the difference. We are actively involved in the professional field and are engaged in good quality. Our day-care centres have received these awards:
Awards and Memberships
Quali Kita
The label from our industry assoc. "Kibesuisse" contributes greatly to high quality in our KiBiZ day-care centres and we are reevaluated regularly.
Network Place of Education in Day-care
We're a member of the network Bildungsort Kitas, which is committed to education-oriented work in day-care centres based on the Infans-concept.
As a member of Purzelbaum, we offer a holistic approach to health, incl. proper exercise, balanced nutrition and educational enrichment.
Fourchette Verte
We take part in Fourchette Verte – ama terra and are committed to a balanced, sustainable, seasonable and regional nutrition.
National Industry Association Kibesuisse
As an active member, we are committed to a qualitative and needs-based expansion of childcare options for families and school children.