Children are cared for in two groups of similar age. Bright, cosy rooms and a spacious covered garden offer a friendly atmosphere and a lot of space to explore, play, do creative art, eat, and relax. The center is in close proximity to various playgrounds, local farms, the forest and Lake Zug that provides appropriate places for the children to explore.
KiBiZ Fuchsloch
vacant places
Groups / places
2 groups / 21 places
Age group
3 months until (and including) Kindergarten age
Care schedule
2 to 5 full days per week
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
2 weeks in Summer
Public holidays
1 week between Christmas and New Year
Day-care Director
Christine Meier
Assistant day-care director, site manager & professional trainer