Children discover the world. Driven by their curiosity, attentively accompanied by us.
The KiBiZ childcare team prioritizes the childrens' well-being, which plays a central role in our concept. Each child is recognised as a whole; intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, with its own personality, interests and its own potential. Our qualified staff support children in their development, self-confidence, independence and in broadening their self-reliance. Our pedagogic approach on the "Infans-Concept" encompasses a holistic approach and is largely based on the most current scientific findings in early education.
Throughout the day, the kids can choose their learning environment. The learn settings take into account the current interests and preferences of kids. They are well-balanced and consider the various developmental needs for exercise, experimenting and doing crafts, music and creativity, acquiring language, number recognition and early counting, learning letters, technics, learning through play, diving into their curiosities, role play, music, dance and singing, social interaction with peers as well as experiences in nature.
We greatly value social learning, awareness for values of other cultures and cultural integration, character-building cornerstones to resolve conflict and emphasize on genuine communication skills, experimenting in nature in our German-spoken day-care centers.