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KiBiZ – about Us

KiBiZ Kinderbetreuung Zug was founded in 1975 and has served the community of families for almost 50 years.

Our focus is on the provision of a solid child-care program with the highest quality in the canton Zug. Our organisation is managed in a motivated, structured, and transparent manner. We use synergies successfully, through a central organisation with a decentralized implementation. Our participatory style of management involves all levels of the team.


KiBiZ Kinderbetreuung Zug is affiliated with the non-profit organisation Zug (Gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft Zug GGZ). With its various institutions, the largest non-profit organisation GGZ is firmly rooted in Zug society and works in the areas of social affairs, health affairs, education and culture. KiBiZ is the leading provider of family-supplementary childcare in canton Zug and works with the framework of children and youth. As a member of GGZ, you can support meaningful work in the community.

Mission statement

We champion extra-familial childcare.

  • As a non-profit organisation, we are deeply committed to ensuring that extra-familial childcare in the City and Canton Zug is both available and affordable.

  • We are able to meet much of the demand because of our variety of care programs including centers as well as in-home childminders.

  • We automatically review our services and adapt them to meet the current requirements and needs of our clients and contracting authorities.

We take our clients seriously

  • Parents and their children are our clients. Their satisfaction is important to us. We regularly evaluate their satisfaction and make changes if and when necessary.

  • Collaboration with parents is vital for the child to flourish in the day-care situation so we make sure we are in close communication with all parents.

For tomorrow’s adults.

  • We see children as independent personalities whom we accompany on part of their life journey.

  • We have a holistic approach to the early education and upbringing of small children in which their self-development, their security, and companionship are central.

  • We find differing social and cultural backgrounds enriching and encourage integration and equal opportunities by offering day-care in Swiss-German.

We are experts.

  • We offer professional services with qualified employees.
  • We encourage task-based training and consequently have professionally and personally competent employees.

  • As a training organisation for qualified and certified staff, we have a direct connection to the education of apprentices and are committed to using professional and current working methods.

Setting a good example.

  • Our organisation is managed in a motivating, structured, and transparent manner. We are supported by our quality management system.

  • We use synergies in an optimal manner by centralising the back-office and decentralising implementation.

  • We have a participative management style and involve all parties concerned.

  • An optimal framework contributes to a good working environment.

Well connected.

  • We are very well rooted and connected in the Canton of Zug through our NPO sponsorship, the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Zug, GGZ.

  • Our most important partners are our sponsors, the supervising and authoritative bodies, the Communities and the Canton of Zug, with whom we maintain an open and trusting relationship.

  • We greatly value exchanging ideas and active collaboration with other organisations such as professional and industrial associations, which support the same concerns and offer similar or supplementary services.

Money makes it possible.

  • We offer our services on behalf of parents and the Communities of Zug. The financial contributions or child care vouchers provided enable parents to have differing fees based upon their income.

  • We receive financial support for our services and for specific projects from our loyal supporters. Moreover we actively seek donations.

  • All financial contributions are used carefully and economically.

  • Our annual accounts are included in the annual closing of GGZ and follow the regulations of Swiss GAAP FER 21 for non-profit organisations.

We have an external impact.

  • KiBiZ Kinderbetreuung Zug is well-known by the Zug population due to its strong networking, its public relations and its information policy.

  • Our efforts ensure that the public is aware of the value of extra-familial childcare for parents, children, the economy and society in general.

  • We are a competent point of contact for questions regarding extra-familial childcare and gladly offer our know-how.

Office team

KiBiZ management team

Daniel Kilchmann

Managing Director

Karin Geissmann

Head of Childcare management

Joëlle Vock

Head of Admin Services

Tina Bierbaum

Assistant to Managing Director

Expertise in specialties

Theres Hofmann

Pedagogic functional lead

Bea Glanzmann

Responsible for professional training

Patrizia Bär

Responsible for security & housekeeping

KiBiZ office

Brigita Zehnder


Gabriela Carcangiu

Administration day-care centers

Andrea Büeler

Administration childminders


1975 - Founding

"Verein Tagesheim Zug" was founded and opening of Herti day-care center for school children.

1990 - Second location

Second location in "Bergli". New: Childcare for todlers.

2005 - Office and extension

Professionally managed office was opened up and opening of day-care centers Guthirt and Eichwald.

2013 - Childminder families

Integration childminder option as day-care on behalf of the Zug municipalities. Name change to KiBiZ Kinderbetreuung Zug.

2016 - Expansion

Purchase of day-care center at Nordstrasse. Today, this is KiBiZ Gartenstadt, and fusion with association Kita Baar, KiBiZ Chriesimatt.

2019 - Fusion

Fusion with "Zuger Chinderhüser". Today, KiBiZ Fuchsloch and Frauensteinmatt.

2022 - Fusion GGZ

Fusion with Gemeinnütziger Gesellschaft Zug GGZ, a non-profit organisation.


KiBiZ takes over its 10th daycare center with KiBiZ Kita Langmatt and is now also represented in the Ennetsee area in the municipality of Risch-Rotkreuz.


Today we have 10 day-care centers and 80 childminder families.


Planned opening day-care center in Steinhausen as of 2025.

Become a donor

We count on our numerous and loyal donors, who support us in our non-profit endeavors.

IBAN CH37 0078 7304 8430 8457 8

All donations are listed in the annual report.